Kachchh University Recruitment 2016 – 11 Professor & Associate Professor Post: K.S.K.V Kachchh University, Bhuj invites applications for the Posts of Professor and Associate Professor for the various Departments as mentioned below Application form along with details of essential qualifications, experiences, pay scale, general terms and conditions etc. can be downloaded from the University website http://kskvku.digitaluniversity.ac/ Other information like age limit, educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below:-
Kachchh Universty Rucruitment 2016 – 11 Professor & Associate Professor Post
Vacancy Details:
Name of Posts, No of Vacancy, cast and Pay scale:-
s.no Post No of Posts Pay scale
1 Department of Earth & Environmental Science Professor – 01 – SEBC – 37400-67000, GP-10000
2 Department of Commerce& Management Professor – 01 – OPEN- 37400-67000, GP-10000
3 Department of English Professor – 01- ST – 37400-67000, GP-10000
4 Department of Chemistry Associate Professor – 01- ST- 37400-67000, GP-9000
5 Department of English Associate Professor- 01- OPEN- 37400-67000, GP-9000
6 Department of English Associate Professor – 01 -SEBC – 37400-67000, GP-9000
7 Department of Economics Associate Professor – 01- OPEN- 37400-67000, GP-9000
8 Department of English Assistant Professor – 01 -SC- 15600-39100, GP-6000
9 Department of Chemistry Assistant Professor – 01- ST- 15600-39100, GP-6000
10 Department of Commerce & Management Assistant Professor – 01 ST- 15600-39100, GP-6000
11 Department of Earth & Environmental Science Assistant Professor 01-ST – 15600-39100, GP-6000
Total No. of Posts: 11(Eleven)
Name of the Post: Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor
How to Apply:
1. Application form, duly filled in 5 (Five) Copies alongwith necessary testimonials and a process fee of ` 1500/- (` 500/- in case of SC / ST/ PH candidate) (Non refundable) for each post by A/C payee DD drawn in favour of “Registrar K.S.K.V. Kachchh University, Bhuj, should reach by personally / Courier / RPAD to the “Registrar, K.S.K.V. Kachchh University, Bhuj ” on or before dt. 30/04/’162. Separate application is required for each post otherwise application will be rejected.
3. Persons already employed must send their application through proper channel. Applicant can send advance copy of the application with the necessary fees directly to this University before the last date.
4. The envelope containing application should be marked with “Application for the post of___________ (Name of the post Applied for)”.
5. The initial appointment will be on the minimum of pay Band and GP / AGP. The allowances like D.A., H.R.A., etc. will be admissible as per University / State Government norms.
6. Benefit of newly defined pension scheme is applicable as per the State Government norms.
7. A Candidate shall initially be appointed on one year probation in the First Instance. The period of probation may however be extended for a period of one years in special circumstances. At the end of probation period. The University employee shall be either confirmed or relieved.
8. For the Post of serial No.12, 13 And 14 maximum age limit is 50 years as on last date of submission of application.
9. For the Post of serial No. 1 to 07 maximum age limit is 55 years as on last date of submission of application.
10. For the Post of serial No. 8 to 11 maximum age limit is 35 years as on last date of submission of application.
11. The Candidate will have to travel at their own cost for appearing in the Interview, no TA / DA will be paid to the Candidates for the same.
12. University reserves all rights of filling up or not filling up any or all of advertised vacant post / posts.
13. Candidate should attach self attested copy of certificate of Competent Authority in case of Physically Handicapped Candidate.
13. Reserved Category Candidates must send self attested copy of caste certificate.
14. SEBC Candidates must send self attested copy of recent Creamy Layer Certificate as per State Government norms.
15. Candidate should be attached self attested copies of mark sheets, certificates and testimonials.
16. For the above posts the norms of UGC, State Government and the University will be applicable from time to time.
17. Canvassing for any post in any manner will be disqualify the candidature of an Applicant.
18. Incomplete application will be rejected.
Important Dates: 30/04/2016 Last Date for Application – 30/04/2016
For more details like pay scale & other information click on the link given below:-
Click here for Recruitment Advt
Disclaimer: Candidates should carefully read the official notification for detail information, regarding age limit,Educational qualification, selection process, how to apply for Kachchh Universty Rucruitment 2016 – 11 Professor & Associate Professor Post